Several African countries have expanded their HPV vaccination programs to combat cervical cancer, aiming to reduce high incidence rates and save lives through early immunization.
Kenya achieves a crucial IMF agreement, promising financial aid and urging fiscal adjustments for economic stability.
Violent clashes in central Somalia claim over fifty lives as disputes over resources between clans escalate.
Mali’s financial workers persist in their strike following the arrest of union leader Hamadoun Bah, amidst broader national and political tensions.
Egypt takes firm action against tourism companies after the deaths of Hajj pilgrims in Mecca, highlighting the need for stringent safety measures.
Zambia urges AU and SADC to mediate in the diplomatic conflict with Zimbabwe, following President Mnangagwa’s critical remarks.
Kenyan President William Ruto faces nationwide protests against the Finance Bill, which proposes significant tax hikes. The bill aims to meet IMF conditions but has sparked public outrage and clashes …
Aiteo resumes production at Nembe field after stopping an oil leak, enhancing safety protocols to prevent future incidents.
Amnesty International reports the Nigerian army detains girls and young women who escape Boko Haram, raising serious human rights concerns.
The ICC has unsealed an arrest warrant against Iyad Ag Ghali, leader of Ansar Dine, for war crimes in Mali. This significant step aims to hold him accountable for alleged …