Home » Ugandan Activist Sexually Assaulted in Custody Amid Anti-Corruption Protests

Ugandan Activist Sexually Assaulted in Custody Amid Anti-Corruption Protests

Lawyer Claims Widespread Abuse; Police Deny Allegations

by Adenike Adeodun

A Ugandan activist, who was detained last week during banned demonstrations, was reportedly sexually assaulted in custody, according to his lawyer. More than 90 youths were arrested during the protests against corruption in Kampala. Some released detainees have also reported sexual assault, drawing widespread criticism. However, police deny the allegations.

The two days of anti-corruption demonstrations went ahead despite President Yoweri Museveni’s warning that protesters were “playing with fire.” Inspired by recent anti-tax protests in Kenya, Ugandan activists demanded the resignation of the parliamentary speaker, accused of corruption. She has denied the charges.

Ugandan riot police quickly stopped the protests, apprehending several young activists, including a well-known TV presenter. Local media reports indicate that some detainees are facing various charges, while an unknown number are still in custody.

Lawyer Eron Kiiza, representing one of the activists, said his client was sodomized after being detained. “It is uncommon but does happen,” he told the BBC. Kiiza holds medical documents proving the sexual abuse and plans to sue authorities after his client’s treatment and rehabilitation.

The US embassy in Kampala urged investigations into the allegations, stressing that perpetrators be held accountable. However, police spokesperson Kituuma Rusoke dismissed the claims as “unfounded” and “malicious,” asserting that police respect suspects’ rights.

Kiiza suggested police believe the protesters are backed by foreign funders, referencing Uganda’s controversial anti-homosexuality laws. “Police think gay people are funding the protests,” he said, adding that his client was told during the assault, “Now you earn it.”

Opposition leader Bobi Wine alleged that other activists, both male and female, were also sexually abused in detention. “Many have reported to us but fear or feel ashamed to speak publicly,” said Wine, a former pop star known as Robert Kyagulanyi.

The allegations have ignited an uproar on social media, with Ugandans calling for an independent investigation. Youth Minister Balaam Barugahara Ateenyi acknowledged the claims as dehumanizing and urged the police chief to investigate.

On Thursday, President Museveni praised the police for quelling the protests, asserting they were funded by “foreign sources.” He warned that “very bad things” would be revealed in court about the protesters.

Amnesty International has called for the immediate and unconditional release of all detainees. The rights group condemned the government’s heavy-handed tactics as a clampdown on dissent.


Source: The Guardian

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