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Ramaphosa Appoints Ex-Opposition Leader to Cabinet

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa appoints former opposition leader John Steenhuisen as Agriculture Minister

by Victor Adetimilehin

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has appointed former opposition leader John Steenhuisen as the new Minister of Agriculture. This move integrates the Democratic Alliance (DA) and other parties into his coalition cabinet, following the African National Congress’s (ANC) unprecedented loss of its majority in the May 29 election for the first time in three decades.

New Cabinet Announcements

Ramaphosa’s announcement of a government of national unity comes after weeks of intense negotiations. These negotiations were necessary to form a coalition government capable of addressing the country’s significant challenges. Enoch Godongwana will remain as Finance Minister, ensuring continuity in financial policies. Ronald Lamola has been appointed as Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, replacing Naledi Pandor. Gwede Mantashe retains his role as Mineral and Petroleum Resources Minister, but the energy portfolio has been assigned to Electricity Minister Kgosientsho Ramokgopa. 

“These men and women we have appointed to the executive reflect the diversity of our nation,” Ramaphosa stated. “In the spirit of partnership and collaboration, the incoming government will work together.”

The formation of the new cabinet ends a period of political wrangling over positions, paving the way for the government to address South Africa’s pressing issues. These include reviving a struggling economy, repairing crumbling infrastructure, and creating jobs for the millions of unemployed citizens. South Africa faces a daunting task with an economy still recovering from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and long-standing structural issues.

John Steenhuisen expressed optimism about the coalition’s potential. “We look forward to being part of a new era in South Africa’s democratic journey and to bringing real and tangible change to the millions of citizens who voted for it,” he said in a statement.

The new cabinet’s immediate focus will likely be on economic revitalization and infrastructure improvement. Addressing unemployment, which affects approximately one-third of South Africans, will be a top priority. The coalition’s ability to implement effective job creation strategies will be crucial in determining its success.

Reactions and Implications

The ANC’s historical significance as the party that ended apartheid has not shielded it from voter dissatisfaction over its governance. Issues such as inadequate public services, corruption, and economic mismanagement have eroded public trust. The recent election results reflected widespread frustration with the ANC’s performance.

Political analyst Melanie Verwoerd remarked, “It is a major shake-up with very few of the old faces still in there, which is a good thing. I think in general it’s a very positive step and of course very positive that they could actually get this done.”

However, the coalition’s success will depend on its ability to reconcile the differing ideologies of its members. The DA aims to dismantle some of the ANC’s Black empowerment programs, arguing that they have disproportionately benefited a small elite while leaving much of the Black population in poverty. The DA also opposes the ANC’s plans to expropriate land without compensation and seeks to phase out the national minimum wage, which it believes hinders competitiveness.

The inclusion of former opposition members in the cabinet is a significant departure from the ANC’s traditional approach. It represents a shift towards more inclusive governance but also poses challenges in terms of policy coherence and ideological alignment.

Source: Reuters 

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