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Ramaphosa Wins Second Term, Forms Coalition Government

Historic Alliance Between ANC and DA Marks New Political Era

by Victor Adetimilehin

In a pivotal shift in South African politics, the African National Congress (ANC), which has held power for over three decades, has now formed a groundbreaking coalition with the Democratic Alliance (DA), a party traditionally seen as its adversary. This coalition, announced on June 14, 2024, after intense negotiations, marks the first major collaboration between these distinct political entities in the nation’s history.

A Unity Government Emerges

The decision to form a unity government came after the ANC lost its majority in the May 29 elections but remained the largest party. The alliance with the DA, a party known for its free-market stance and primarily white leadership, is viewed as a strategic move to stabilize governance and address South Africa’s urgent issues such as economic reform, poverty, inequality, and rampant corruption.

President Cyril Ramaphosa, in his re-election by the parliament with 283 votes, hailed this coalition as a “new birth” for South Africa. He emphasized that the coalition would lead the country into an era of hope and inclusivity, echoing the transformative spirit of Nelson Mandela’s 1994 election victory that ended apartheid.

The coalition is seen as a necessity for both parties. The ANC has faced dwindling support due to frustrations over unaddressed socio-economic issues and internal corruption. The DA, on the other hand, seeks a broader national influence, which participating in the government could provide. By sharing power, both parties aim to enhance their capability to govern effectively and restore public trust.

The National Assembly has already demonstrated this new power-sharing arrangement by electing a DA lawmaker as deputy speaker, following the election of an ANC member as speaker. This symbolic gesture sets the stage for what many hope will be a productive collaboration.

Public and Investor Reactions

Investors have responded positively to the news of the coalition, anticipating more stable and effective governance that could lead to economic recovery and growth. Public reactions are mixed, with some expressing optimism about the potential for real change, while others remain skeptical about the effectiveness of this partnership.

Critics from the hard-left Economic Freedom Fighters party argue that the coalition is a mere consolidation of power that favors elite interests. Meanwhile, supporters believe that this could be a genuine attempt to reshape South African politics and address long-standing issues more effectively.

This coalition could redefine South African politics, setting a precedent for future political alliances. It challenges the longstanding racial and ideological divisions that have characterized South African politics since the end of apartheid. If successful, it could serve as a model for political cooperation in other divided societies.

The government’s “basic minimum program of priorities” includes plans for rapid economic growth, job creation, land reform, and infrastructure development, which are crucial for the nation’s prosperity. How well these goals are achieved will ultimately determine the coalition’s success and its acceptance by the South African people.

Source: Reuters

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