Home » Deadly Coup Attempt Rocks Congo, Dozens Killed

Deadly Coup Attempt Rocks Congo, Dozens Killed

Violence Erupts in Kinshasa as Armed Insurgents Target Presidential Palace

by Motoni Olodun

A failed coup attempt in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has resulted in a tragic loss of life, with dozens reported dead. The violence erupted in the capital, Kinshasa, as armed insurgents launched an assault on the presidential palace in a bid to overthrow President Felix Tshisekedi’s government.

The coup attempt, which took place in the early hours of May 20, 2024, saw heavy gunfire and explosions rocking the city. Security forces quickly responded, engaging the insurgents in a fierce battle that lasted several hours. By the end of the confrontation, at least 38 people were confirmed dead, including 15 soldiers and 23 insurgents. The toll is expected to rise as more information becomes available.

Government spokesperson Patrick Muyaya condemned the attack, describing it as a brazen attempt to destabilize the nation. “This act of treason will not go unpunished. The perpetrators and their sponsors will be brought to justice,” Muyaya said in a statement. He assured the public that the situation was under control and that the government remained steadfast in its commitment to maintaining peace and security.

President Tshisekedi, who was not in the palace at the time of the attack, addressed the nation later in the day. He expressed his condolences to the families of those who lost their lives and praised the security forces for their swift and decisive action. “We will not be intimidated by these cowardly acts. Our resolve to build a prosperous and peaceful Congo is stronger than ever,” Tshisekedi declared.

The identities and affiliations of the insurgents remain unclear, but early reports suggest they were part of a splinter faction within the military. Investigations are ongoing to determine the extent of the plot and to identify any potential collaborators. The government has launched a nationwide manhunt for those involved and has tightened security across major cities to prevent further unrest.

This coup attempt marks one of the most serious challenges to Tshisekedi’s presidency since he took office in January 2019. His tenure has been marked by efforts to combat corruption, improve governance, and stabilize the eastern regions of the country plagued by armed groups. Despite these efforts, the DRC remains volatile, with ongoing conflicts and political tensions posing significant hurdles.

International reactions have poured in, with the United Nations and African Union condemning the coup attempt and urging calm. The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, called for restraint and emphasized the importance of dialogue in resolving political differences. “The use of force will only exacerbate the situation and lead to more suffering for the Congolese people,” Guterres said.

Regional leaders have also voiced their support for Tshisekedi’s government. The African Union’s Chairperson, Moussa Faki Mahamat, reiterated the organization’s stance against unconstitutional changes of government and called for the perpetrators to be held accountable. Neighboring countries, including Angola and Rwanda, have expressed solidarity with the DRC and offered assistance in the aftermath of the attack.

The failed coup highlights the fragile state of democracy and security in the DRC. It underscores the need for continued efforts to strengthen institutions, promote political inclusivity, and address the root causes of instability. As the nation mourns the lives lost, there is hope that this incident will galvanize both national and international efforts to support peace and development in the Congo.

Despite the immediate challenges, President Tshisekedi remains committed to his reform agenda. The government’s resilience in the face of adversity sends a strong message that the DRC is determined to overcome its difficulties and build a future based on stability and prosperity

Source: Ap News

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