Home » Unicef Supports Over 200,000 Zimbabwean Children with Education Materials

Unicef Supports Over 200,000 Zimbabwean Children with Education Materials

Unicef Zimbabwe aids children's education due to crises, seeks humanitarian support.

by Adenike Adeodun

In a concerted effort to strengthen education and mitigate the impact of humanitarian crises, the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) has stepped in to support more than 200,000 children in Zimbabwe. The initiative aims to ensure continued access to both formal and non-formal education, including early learning programs.

As the first term of the academic year concluded last month, Unicef distributed essential learning materials to vulnerable children across the country. These materials serve as a lifeline for students, particularly during a time when Zimbabwe grapples with multiple challenges.

Cholera Outbreak and Back-to-School Campaigns

At the onset of the school year in January 2024, Zimbabwe faced a severe cholera outbreak. In response, Unicef launched a cholera prevention back-to-school campaign. The agency recognized that education remains crucial even amidst health crises. A total of 201,507 children (101,895 girls and 99,612 boys) benefited from Unicef’s provision of learning materials during January and February 2024.

El Niño and Ongoing Efforts

As Zimbabwe contends with El Niño-induced weather patterns, Unicef’s education section continues to collaborate with the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE) and other relevant sectors. The goal is to understand the current situation in schools and scale up efforts to mitigate the impact on both educational institutions and learners. The agency recognizes that adverse weather conditions can disrupt schooling and exacerbate existing vulnerabilities.

Gender-Based Violence Interventions

Unicef’s commitment extends beyond academics. In January and February 2024, the agency provided gender-based violence risk mitigation, prevention, and response interventions. A total of 1,738 women and girls accessed these critical services. By addressing gender-based violence, Unicef contributes to creating safer learning environments for all students.

Funding Needs and Donor Support

The humanitarian situation in Zimbabwe remains fragile and multifaceted. Unicef urgently seeks US$22.7 million to address the increased needs in the country throughout 2024. This funding will enable the agency to provide essential assistance to two million people, including 978,611 children in affected areas. The challenges faced by Zimbabwe include El Niño-induced drought, flash floods, protracted cholera outbreaks, polio concerns, and economic instability.

Unicef Zimbabwe has already received US$8.1 million (36% of the total funding requirement) from various donors. These include ECHO, Gavi The Vaccine Alliance, Norway, USAid BHA, USAid (CDC), USA Permanent Mission, FCDO, European Commission, UN OCHA-Central Emergency Response Fund, and Unicef Global Humanitarian Thematic Funds.

As the nation grapples with these intersecting crises, Unicef’s unwavering commitment to children’s well-being remains a beacon of hope. The agency’s efforts underscore the importance of education as a pathway to empowerment and prosperity even in the face of adversity.


Source: Newsday

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