Home » DR Congo President Appoints Planning Minister as New PM

DR Congo President Appoints Planning Minister as New PM

DR Congo's New Prime Minister Prioritizes Economic Development

by Motoni Olodun

President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Felix Tshisekedi, has named a Planning Minister as the new Prime Minister, signaling a move towards economic development and strategic planning in the country.


In a bid to streamline governance and prioritize development initiatives, President Tshisekedi has selected Prof. Evariste Boshab, a seasoned politician and economist, to lead the government as Prime Minister. Boshab’s background in planning and economic policy suggests a focus on addressing the socio-economic challenges facing the DRC.


The appointment comes at a critical juncture for the DRC, as the country grapples with various issues, including poverty, infrastructure deficits, and political instability. By appointing a Prime Minister with expertise in planning and development, President Tshisekedi aims to accelerate progress towards achieving sustainable growth and improving the quality of life for all Congolese citizens.


Prof. Boshab’s extensive experience in government and academia makes him well-equipped to navigate the complex challenges facing the DRC. As Planning Minister in previous administrations, he has demonstrated a commitment to promoting inclusive growth and implementing strategic policies to drive economic development.


With his appointment, Prime Minister Boshab is expected to focus on key priority areas such as infrastructure development, job creation, and poverty reduction. His leadership will be crucial in coordinating efforts across government ministries and engaging with international partners to mobilize resources for development projects.


President Tshisekedi’s decision to appoint Prof. Boshab as Prime Minister reflects his commitment to governance reform and his vision for a prosperous and stable DRC. By prioritizing strategic planning and economic development, the government aims to lay the foundation for sustainable progress and improve the lives of millions of Congolese citizens.

Source: Reuters


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