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Malta, Ghana Deepen Ties: New Horizons in Bilateral Cooperation

Presidents Vow Enhanced Trade, Education, Security Collaboration

by Adenike Adeodun

The recent visit of Maltese President George Vella to Ghana has set the stage for a deeper bilateral relationship between Malta and Ghana, emphasizing a shared vision for enhanced cooperation across various sectors. President Vella’s three-day state visit marks a significant milestone in the 50-year history of Malta-Ghana relations, showcasing the commitment of both nations to strengthen ties and foster mutual growth and development.

During a joint press briefing with Ghanaian President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President Vella assured that Malta is keen on fostering meaningful and tangible cooperation with Ghana. This commitment is poised to facilitate exchanges between the private sectors and civil societies of both nations, aiming to enrich their bilateral relations further. The emphasis on trade, agriculture, fisheries, financial services, tourism, culture, climate change, environmental sustainability, and the pharmaceutical sectors underscores the breadth of potential collaboration areas.

A joint commission has been established to oversee progress in these areas, with ongoing negotiations in sectors such as higher education, health services, migration, hospitality, and trade. This initiative reflects a proactive approach to implementing actionable steps towards achieving the goals set by both countries.

The visit was marked by traditional diplomatic courtesies, including a military honor reception and discussions between ministerial teams from both nations. These discussions were geared towards reinforcing the cordial relations that have existed over the years and exploring new avenues for cooperation that would benefit both countries mutually.

Significantly, this visit is the second by a Maltese President to Ghana, following the first visit in 2017, demonstrating the importance Malta places on its relationship with Ghana. The opening of diplomatic offices in both countries serves as a testament to their commitment to this partnership. Malta’s decision to open its first sub-Saharan office in Ghana highlights the strategic importance of Ghana within Malta’s broader Africa strategy, aimed at enhancing relations with individual African countries.

President Vella expressed optimism about the cooperation leading to exchanges that would create educational and training opportunities for Ghanaian youth. Malta’s willingness to facilitate opportunities for Ghanaians to study, specialize, and upscale at higher educational institutes in Malta is a testament to the tangible benefits of this partnership.

In the context of Malta’s role within the European Union, President Vella affirmed Malta’s support for deepening Ghana’s cooperation with the EU. This support is critical for enhancing peace and security in the region and for fostering economic integration that benefits both Ghana and the EU. The Interim Economic Agreement between Ghana and the European Union, as highlighted by President Vella, is expected to simplify trade and business interactions, further integrating Ghana into the global value chain.

Addressing security concerns, President Vella underscored the importance of regional cooperation in tackling emerging threats. With migration being a significant issue for both Malta and Ghana, especially through the Mediterranean route, both nations agree on the necessity of addressing the root causes of migration. The implementation of the UN Global Compact for migration and refugees was identified as crucial for finding lasting solutions to these challenges.

President Akufo-Addo emphasized the discussions’ focus on trade volumes, mutual support in international organizations, migration issues, global organization reforms, and the deepening of political consultation on matters of mutual interest. Malta’s pledge to advocate for Ghana’s issues within the European Union, coupled with Ghana’s promise to facilitate enhanced economic engagement between Malta and ECOWAS members, marks a promising step towards realizing the shared objectives of both nations.

This state visit not only reaffirms the strong ties between Malta and Ghana but also sets a dynamic course for future collaboration. As both countries look forward to reaping the benefits of this deepened cooperation, the foundation is laid for a partnership that promises to contribute significantly to their mutual development and to the broader objectives of regional peace, security, and economic integration.


Source: Graphic Online

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