Home » South Africa Urges World Court to Intervene in Gaza Crisis

South Africa Urges World Court to Intervene in Gaza Crisis

by Motoni Olodun

South Africa has appealed to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to order more emergency measures against Israel, which it accuses of breaching the existing measures and causing a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza. The ICJ, also known as the World Court, is the UN’s highest judicial organ.

In its application, South Africa warned that Palestinians in Gaza were facing famine and starvation due to Israel’s blockade and military attacks. It asked the court to order that all parties cease hostilities and release all hostages and detainees. It also asked the court to order that Israel take “immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance” in Gaza.

South Africa said the court should take these measures without scheduling a new round of hearings because of the “extreme urgency of the situation”. It said the court had the power and the duty to protect the rights and lives of the Palestinian people under the Genocide Convention and international humanitarian law.

In January, the World Court ordered Israel to refrain from any acts that could fall under the Genocide Convention and to ensure its troops commit no genocidal acts against Palestinians, after South Africa accused Israel of state-led genocide in Gaza. Israel and its Western allies dismissed the allegation as baseless and politically motivated.

A final ruling In the case in The Hague could take years. However, South Africa said the court’s provisional measures were binding and must be respected by Israel. It said Israel had violated the court’s order by continuing its aggression and oppression against the Palestinians, especially in Gaza, where it had launched several airstrikes and destroyed civilian infrastructure.

South Africa’s move has been welcomed by the Palestinian Authority, which said it was a sign of solidarity and support for the Palestinian cause. It also urged other countries to join South Africa in seeking justice and accountability for the Palestinian people.

Israel has not yet responded to South Africa’s application, but it has previously rejected the court’s jurisdiction and legitimacy. It has argued that the court has no role in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which should be settled through direct negotiations.

South Africa has been a vocal critic of Israel’s policies and actions in the occupied Palestinian territories. It has also been a staunch supporter of the Palestinian right to self-determination and statehood. South Africa has often drawn parallels between its own struggle against apartheid and the Palestinian struggle against occupation.

South Africa’s appeal to the World Court comes at a time when the international community is trying to revive the peace process and find a lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The court’s decision could have a significant impact on the prospects for peace and justice in the region.

Source: Reuters

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