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Senegal’s Political Turmoil Threatens Democracy

President Sall's attempt to delay the election sparks protests and erodes trust in his coalition

by Victor Adetimilehin

Senegal, a West African nation known for its stability and democratic culture, is facing a political crisis that could undermine its reputation and future. President Macky Sall’s controversial decision to postpone the presidential election, originally scheduled for February 25, 2024, has triggered widespread protests and criticism from the opposition and civil society.

Why did Sall delay the election?

Sall, who has been in power since 2012, claims that he wanted to avoid potential disputes over the election results and ensure a peaceful transition. However, many observers suspect that he was trying to buy time to replace his unpopular candidate, Amadou Ba, or extend his own term beyond the constitutional limit of two terms.

Ba, a former finance minister, has faced public backlash for his lackluster performance and corruption allegations. He has also been challenged by some members of Sall’s ruling coalition, Benno Bokk Yakaar (BBY), who accuse him of being uninspiring and divisive.

Sall’s move to delay the election was seen as a sign of weakness and desperation by many Senegalese, who feared that he was following the footsteps of other African leaders who had manipulated the constitution to cling to power.

How did the opposition react?

The opposition, which includes former presidents Abdoulaye Wade and Macky Sall, as well as popular singer and activist Youssou N’Dour, denounced Sall’s decree as a coup d’etat and a violation of the constitution. They formed an informal alliance to challenge Sall and Ba in the upcoming election, whenever it takes place.

They also called for mass demonstrations across the country to demand the respect of the electoral calendar and the rule of law. Thousands of people took to the streets in Dakar and other cities, waving flags and banners, chanting slogans and singing songs. Some clashes erupted between the protesters and the security forces, resulting in injuries and arrests.

The opposition also boycotted a dialogue initiated by Sall to resolve the crisis, saying that he was not sincere and that he had already made up his mind. They demanded that he revoke his decree and announce a new date for the election as soon as possible.

What are the implications for Senegal and the region?

Senegal’s political turmoil has raised concerns about the stability and the future of one of Africa’s most successful democracies. Senegal has never experienced a military coup or a civil war and has held regular and peaceful elections since independence in 1960. It has also been a model of tolerance and pluralism, with a vibrant civil society and a free press.

However, the current crisis has exposed the fragility of Senegal’s institutions and the erosion of trust in its leaders. It has also revealed the deep social and economic grievances that fuel the discontent of many Senegalese, especially the youth, who face high unemployment, poverty, and inequality.

The crisis has also implications for the region, where Senegal plays a key role in promoting peace and security. Senegal is a major contributor to the United Nations peacekeeping missions and the African Union interventions in conflict zones. It is also a partner of the United States and France in combating terrorism and extremism in the Sahel.

How can the crisis be resolved?

The crisis can only be resolved through dialogue and compromise, based on the respect of the constitution and the will of the people. Sall and the opposition should engage in a constructive and inclusive dialogue, with the participation of civil society, religious leaders, and international mediators. They should agree on a new date for the election, as well as the rules and conditions for a fair and transparent process.

Finally, they should address the root causes of the crisis, and work together to implement the necessary reforms and policies to improve the governance, the economy, and the welfare of the Senegalese people.

Senegal deserves to preserve its democracy and its stability and to continue its path of development and progress. The world is watching and hoping that Senegal will overcome this challenge and emerge stronger and more united.

Source: Reuters 

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