Home » Chad Rebels Attack Army Base, Kill Dozens of Soldiers

Chad Rebels Attack Army Base, Kill Dozens of Soldiers

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by Motoni Olodun

Dozens of soldiers were killed in Chad on Monday, when rebels attacked an army base near the border with Libya. The attack was the deadliest in months, as the country prepares for presidential elections in April.

The rebels, who belong to the Front for Change and Concord in Chad (FACT), said they launched the attack in response to the “illegitimate” candidacy of President Idriss Deby, who is seeking a sixth term in office. They said they overran the base in the northern region of Tibesti, and seized weapons and vehicles.

The Chadian army confirmed the attack, but said it repelled the rebels and inflicted heavy losses on them. It said it killed more than 300 rebels, and captured 150 others. It also said it lost 26 soldiers, and 14 others were wounded.

The army said It was pursuing the remaining rebels, and vowed to restore security and stability in the region. It also said it was working with its allies, such as France and the United Nations, to prevent further attacks.

Chad, a landlocked country in Central Africa, is one of the poorest and most unstable in the world. It has been plagued by violence and conflict for decades, as various rebel groups and ethnic militias fight for power and resources. It is also facing threats from Islamist militants, such as Boko Haram and the Islamic State, who operate in the neighboring countries of Nigeria, Niger, and Libya.

President Deby, who came to power in a coup in 1990, has been accused of suppressing dissent, violating human rights, and rigging elections. He faces several challengers in the upcoming polls, but none are expected to pose a serious threat to his rule. He has promised to bring peace and development to the country, and to fight terrorism and corruption.

The international community has expressed concern over the security situation in Chad, and urged all parties to respect the democratic process and the rule of law. It has also praised Chad for its role in regional stability, as it hosts thousands of refugees and contributes troops to peacekeeping missions.

The people of Chad hope that the elections will be free and fair, and that the violence will end. They also hope that their country will overcome its challenges, and achieve its potential.


Source: AP News

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