Home » NPAZ Calls for Reporting Sexual Offenses Amid Rising Cases

NPAZ Calls for Reporting Sexual Offenses Amid Rising Cases

Urgent Public Action Needed to Combat Familial Sexual Violence

by Adenike Adeodun

The National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe (NPAZ) has issued a public call to action in response to the alarming rise in sexual offences, emphasizing the urgent need for community vigilance and legal recourse against perpetrators. With an increasing number of cases reported at magistrates courts, particularly those involving familial relationships, the NPAZ highlights the critical need for heightened awareness, preventive measures, and robust support systems to safeguard against abuse and violence within families.

The NPAZ’s statement draws attention to the distressing trend of sexual crimes, especially those perpetrated against juveniles and individuals with mental challenges, by trusted family members, including fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, brothers, and uncles. This betrayal of trust and violation of the most vulnerable members of society underscores the necessity of fostering a protective environment where victims feel supported to come forward.

According to recent statistics from the Zimbabwe National Statistical Agency, the country recorded a staggering 182,427 offenders of sexual-based violence last year, reflecting a dire situation that calls for immediate and concerted efforts to combat such crimes. The NPAZ voices its concern over the tendency of some families to handle rape cases involving minors and relatives internally, either through family deliberations or local leadership and community courts. This practice not only undermines the severity of the crimes but also impedes justice for the victims.

In its plea to the public, the NPAZ strongly advocates for the reporting of all sexual offences to the Zimbabwe Republic Police, with particular emphasis on incidents involving juveniles, mentally challenged individuals, and other vulnerable groups. The authority stresses the importance of legal intervention in these cases to ensure that justice is served and to deter potential offenders.

Furthermore, the NPAZ advises guardians and parents to exercise the utmost caution in choosing caregivers for their children, highlighting the responsibility to shield them from sexual predators. The call to be vigilant extends to the protection of all vulnerable individuals, urging the community to play an active role in preventing sexual violence and supporting victims.

This pressing appeal from the NPAZ serves as a reminder of the collective responsibility to combat sexual offences and protect the rights and well-being of the most vulnerable members of society. By encouraging public engagement with law enforcement and emphasizing the importance of legal action against perpetrators, the NPAZ aims to foster a safer environment for all, particularly children and those unable to protect themselves. The fight against sexual violence in Zimbabwe requires the involvement of every citizen, underscoring the necessity of awareness, prevention, and the provision of support to those affected by such heinous crimes.


Source: Newsday

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