Home » Blinken’s West Africa Tour: A Bid to Counter China and Russia’s Growing Influence

Blinken’s West Africa Tour: A Bid to Counter China and Russia’s Growing Influence

US hopes to strengthen partnership and address challenges and opportunities in the continent

by Motoni Olodun

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is on a four-nation trip to West Africa, where he hopes to strengthen the US-Africa partnership and address the challenges and opportunities facing the continent. Blinken’s visit comes at a time when China and Russia are expanding their presence and influence in Africa, posing a strategic challenge to the US and its allies.

Blinken’s itinerary includes Cape Verde, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, and Angola, four countries that are key partners for the US on issues such as regional security, economic development, democracy and human rights, and climate change. Blinken will also attend a match at the Africa Cup of Nations in Ivory Coast, where he will showcase the US support for sports and cultural diplomacy.

Blinken’s trip is the latest in a series of high-level engagements between the US and Africa since President Joe Biden took office. Biden hosted the first-ever US-Africa Leaders Summit in December 2022, where he announced a $55 billion investment plan for Africa over three years, covering areas such as health, energy, infrastructure, trade, and education. Biden also pledged to donate one billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines to Africa by the end of 2023, as part of the global effort to end the pandemic.

The US has also welcomed the African Union as a permanent member of the G20, a move that reflects the growing importance of Africa in the world economy and politics. The US and the AU have agreed to work together on advancing peace and security, promoting democracy and human rights, and tackling the climate crisis.

However, the US faces stiff competition from China and Russia, who have been increasing their economic and military ties with African countries in recent years. China is Africa’s largest trading partner and creditor, with an estimated $200 billion worth of loans and investments in the continent. China has also built infrastructure projects, such as railways, roads, ports, and power plants, as part of its Belt and Road Initiative, a global development strategy that aims to connect Asia, Europe, and Africa.

Russia, meanwhile, has been providing arms and military training to African countries, as well as deploying private security contractors, such as the Wagner Group, to support its interests and allies. Russia has also been exploiting Africa’s rich natural resources, such as oil, gas, diamonds, and uranium, and offering nuclear energy cooperation to some countries.

Both China and Russia have also been accused of undermining democracy and human rights in Africa, by supporting authoritarian regimes, interfering in elections, spreading disinformation and propaganda, and violating international norms and rules.

The US has expressed concern over the growing influence of China and Russia in Africa and has urged African countries to diversify their partnerships and avoid falling into debt traps or security risks. The US has also emphasized its commitment to supporting Africa’s vision and agenda, as articulated by the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), the largest free trade area in the world, which aims to boost intra-African trade and integration.

Blinken’s trip is expected to highlight the US response to African concerns and priorities and to demonstrate the advantages of the US partnership, which is based on mutual respect, shared values, and common interests. The US hopes to convince African countries that it is a reliable and trustworthy partner, who can offer quality and sustainable solutions to the continent’s challenges and opportunities.

Source: CNN


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