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Desperation in Gaza: Crowdfunding to Escape Conflict

Gazans Turn to Crowdfunding Amidst Conflict and Border Closure

by Oluwatosin Alabi

In the midst of an escalating crisis in the Middle East, a new and desperate strategy is emerging among the residents of Gaza: using crowdfunding to pay for safe passage out of the war-torn region. This stark development comes in the wake of the conflict that has seen thousands of casualties and left the Gaza Strip in a state of turmoil.

Since October 7, the Rafah border crossing into Egypt has been effectively closed for most Palestinians, following a significant militant attack by Hamas in southern Israel. This attack, which resulted in the death of 1,200 people and the abduction of another 240, sparked a fierce conflict with Israel, leading to the reported deaths of over 23,000 Gazans, according to figures released by Hamas officials.

In this climate of fear and uncertainty, some Gazans are turning to online crowdfunding as a means to gather the funds required to bribe Egyptian officials at the Rafah border. The goal: to secure a passage for family members to safety. The costs of these bribes, or ‘coordination fees’ as they are sometimes called, can be as high as $10,000 per person.

This phenomenon of online fundraising for escape is a testament to the desperation of those caught in the conflict, seeking any means possible to find safety. It also highlights the challenges facing those trying to leave Gaza, a territory that has been under blockade for years, further exacerbated by the recent closure of the Rafah crossing.

The reports of bribery at the Rafah border have been met with official denials from Egypt, which maintains that no such payment or bribery scheme exists. However, the accounts from Gaza paint a different picture, suggesting that these payments may be the only option for many seeking to escape the conflict.

The situation in Gaza remains dire. In addition to the ongoing conflict, residents are grappling with multiple crises, including missile attacks, displacement, disease, and starvation. The closure of the Rafah border has further isolated the territory, limiting access to essential goods and services and exacerbating the humanitarian crisis.

The use of crowdfunding to finance escape attempts underscores the severity of the situation and the lengths to which people will go to seek safety. It also raises questions about the role of the international community and the need for more effective interventions to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

As the conflict continues, the plight of Gazans remains at the forefront of international concerns. The stories of families turning to online platforms to raise funds for escape highlight the human cost of the conflict and the urgent need for solutions that can bring peace and stability to the region.

The escalation of violence in Gaza and southern Israel is a reminder of the fragile situation in the Middle East and the need for sustained efforts to resolve longstanding conflicts. The use of crowdfunding as a means of escape is a stark indicator of the desperation felt by those caught in the crossfire, and a call to action for the international community to redouble its efforts to find a lasting solution to the crisis.

In the meantime, the stories of those raising funds for escape through crowdfunding platforms continue to emerge, painting a picture of a community in crisis, doing whatever it takes to find a way out. These stories are a sobering reminder of the human cost of conflict and the resilience of those who, even in the darkest of times, strive to find a path to safety.

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