Home » NASU Appeals to President Tinubu for Reversal of Union Registrations

NASU Appeals to President Tinubu for Reversal of Union Registrations

NASU Calls for Fair Union Practices Under President Tinubu's Leadership

by Oluwatosin Alabi

The Non-Academic Staff Union of Educational and Associated Institutions (NASU) has called on President Bola Tinubu to reconsider the registration of new trade unions in sectors where established unions already exist. This appeal was made by Dr. Hassan Makolo, NASU’s President, following his re-election at the union’s 8th quadrennial delegates conference in Abuja.

Dr. Makolo highlighted concerns about the Federal Ministry of Labour and Employment’s registration of the Non-Teaching Staff Union of Polytechnics (NOTSUP), arguing that it was an attempt to dilute NASU’s influence within polytechnics. According to him, this action, taken under the previous administration of President Muhammadu Buhari, contravenes the Trade Unions Act, which prohibits the registration of a new trade union in a workplace where a similar union already exists.

Dr. Makolo expressed confidence that the efforts to weaken NASU’s impact would not be successful and called on President Tinubu to annul the registration of NOTSUP. He emphasized NASU’s role in advocating for improved funding and conditions in Nigeria’s tertiary education sector and viewed the registration of NOTSUP as an attempt to weaken the union’s influence.

NASU reaffirmed its active affiliation with the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and its commitment to fulfilling its obligations to the Congress. The union expects reciprocal support from the NLC, including representation and advocacy on issues affecting NASU and its members. Additionally, NASU will continue its affiliation with Public Services International (PSI), adhering to democratic principles and allowing its affiliates to exercise their rights.

According to a report by The Nigerian Patriot, NASU also condemned the brutalization and unlawful arrest of Joe Ajaero, President of the NLC, by authorities in Imo State. The union expressed relief that the perpetrators are facing prosecution and hopes that this marks an end to such violations of human and trade union rights in Nigeria.

Recognizing the inevitability of conflicts in the workplace, NASU emphasized the importance of cooperation between management and employees for mutual benefit. The union applauded the management of certain institutions for their effective conflict resolution approaches, which have contributed to industrial peace and harmony.

As NASU continues its advocacy and commitment to improving the working conditions in Nigeria’s educational sector, the union remains steadfast in its principles and dedicated to protecting the rights and interests of its members.

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