Home » Global Smartphone Market Experiences Resurgence in October

Global Smartphone Market Experiences Resurgence in October

by Victor Adetimilehin

According to data from Counterpoint Research, the worldwide smartphone market is recovering after more than two years of difficulties, with October representing a critical turning point. October saw a startling change in the global monthly smartphone sales trend, with a 5% increase ending a 27-month negative year-over-year growth record. Numerous elements, such as different market dynamics and the recovery of emerging markets, are responsible for this rebound. The global smartphone market has seen several challenges in the last two years, including inventory accumulation, shortages of components, and extended replacement cycles. Still, October’s encouraging results point to a healthy trend for the sector.

Regarding the market’s future course, Counterpoint Research expressed optimism and projected year-over-year increase in the fourth quarter of 2023. Given this optimistic forecast, it appears that the smartphone market is steadily improving, with more gains anticipated in the upcoming quarters. Many important reasons have contributed to the worldwide smartphone market’s revival, including:

  • Developing Markets: Emerging markets, such as those in the Middle East and Africa, have experienced particularly strong recoveries. The market’s expansion has been greatly aided by these locations.
  • Huawei’s Comeback: The Chinese market has seen a significant upturn in sales as a result of Huawei’s return. Strong demand for the company’s Mate 60 series smartphones contributed to an amazing 37% increase in smartphone sales in China during the third quarter.
  • Festive Season in India: With the start of the festive season driving up sales of smartphones, India has also been a major factor in the market’s recovery.
  • The iPhone 15 Series by Apple: The worldwide smartphone market has benefited from the release of Apple’s iPhone 15 series. Customers are excited about this new addition to Apple’s lineup, which has helped the market as a whole grow. The recovery has been slower in developed economies with higher smartphone saturation than in emerging nations, which have led the charge. However, it is anticipated that the industry’s upward trend would continue.

In a nutshell, the October rebound in the worldwide smartphone market marks a sea change following a protracted period of difficulties. Growing economies are fueling the sector’s expansion, and a robust fourth quarter is anticipated. 

Source: Reuters


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