Home » China’s $20 Million Food Aid to Zimbabwe Amid Drought and Hunger Crisis

China’s $20 Million Food Aid to Zimbabwe Amid Drought and Hunger Crisis

How China is helping Zimbabwe achieve food security and sustainable agriculture

by Motoni Olodun

Zimbabwe is facing severe food insecurity due to recurrent droughts, economic challenges, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the World Food Programme, more than 8.6 million people, or 60 percent of the population, will be food insecure in 2023.

In response to this humanitarian crisis, China has pledged to provide $20 million worth of emergency food assistance to Zimbabwe, as well as technical support for sustainable agriculture. The announcement was made by Mr Tang Wenhong, the vice chairman of China International Development Co-operation Agency, after signing exchange letters with Zimbabwe’s Finance Minister, Professor Mthuli Ncube, on Friday.

Mr Tang said that Chinese President Xi Jinping is highly concerned about food security in Zimbabwe and has made a special arrangement to deliver food aid, including rice and wheat. The aid will benefit vulnerable groups such as orphans, elderly people, people with disabilities, and rural communities.

Mr Tang also said that China is providing Juncao technology to Zimbabwe, a technique that uses grasses as a substrate for mushroom production, animal feed, windbreaks, and soil conservation. He said that Juncao technology has great advantages for nutrition, income generation, and environmental protection.

Prof Ncube expressed his appreciation for China’s assistance and friendship, saying that it will help Zimbabwe achieve food security and sufficiency for all households. He also said that they discussed other areas of cooperation between the two countries, such as the upgrading of Zimbabwe’s National Railways, the completion of various infrastructure projects, and the promotion of investment opportunities.

China and Zimbabwe have a long history of bilateral relations, dating back to China’s support for Zimbabwe’s liberation struggle. China is Zimbabwe’s largest source of foreign direct investment and one of its major trading partners. The two countries have cooperated in various sectors such as health, education, energy, mining, and agriculture.

The food aid and Juncao technology from China are expected to alleviate the suffering of millions of Zimbabweans and enhance their resilience and livelihoods. They are also examples of how China is fulfilling its commitment to support Africa’s development and build a community with a shared future for mankind.


Source: The Herald


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