Home » How to End Gaza Conflict: World Leaders Gather in Cairo for Peace Summit

How to End Gaza Conflict: World Leaders Gather in Cairo for Peace Summit

Egypt hosts an international conference to de-escalate the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza and revive the peace process.

by Motoni Olodun

The ongoing war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has sparked global concern and calls for a ceasefire. Over 5,000 people have been killed and over 15,000 wounded in the past two weeks, while millions face a humanitarian crisis. Egypt is hosting an international conference in Cairo on Saturday, October 21, 2023, to de-escalate the situation and revive the peace process.

The Cairo Peace Summit, as it is dubbed, will bring together leaders and top officials from more than a dozen countries, including Jordan, France, Germany, Russia, China, the United Kingdom, the United States, Qatar, and South Africa. United Nations and the European Union representatives will also attend the one-day meeting.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who initiated the summit, said in his opening remarks that the conference aimed to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza and agree on a roadmap for a lasting solution to the conflict. He stressed that Egypt rejected any attempts to relocate or exile the Palestinians from Gaza to Sinai, as that would undermine their legitimate rights and aspirations.

He also urged the participants to work together to achieve a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. He said this was the only way to ensure security and stability for Israelis and Palestinians.

The summit comes as Israel prepares for a ground invasion of Gaza after weeks of aerial bombardment following a surprise attack by Hamas on October 7 that killed 1,400 Israelis. Hamas, which controls Gaza, has fired over 3,000 rockets into Israel in response, causing widespread damage and casualties.

Hamas is not represented at the summit by any official from Israel. The Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is attending the summit and has asked for humanitarian corridors to be opened for Gaza. He also called for ending the Israeli blockade and occupation of Palestinian territories.

The summit faces many challenges and uncertainties, as previous attempts to broker a ceasefire have failed or been violated. The participants have different interests and perspectives on the conflict, and some have been accused of supporting or arming one side or the other.

However, there is also hope that the summit will create an opportunity for dialogue and diplomacy and pave the way for a political settlement to end the cycle of violence and suffering. The international community has expressed its support for the Egyptian initiative and its readiness to contribute to the reconstruction of Gaza and the revival of peace talks.

The Cairo Peace Summit is a crucial test for Egypt’s regional leader and mediator role in the Middle East. It is also a chance for the world to show solidarity with the people of Gaza and Israel, who deserve peace and dignity.

Source: Reuters


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