Home » Female Ministers in the Tinubu Administration Reveal their Agendas

Female Ministers in the Tinubu Administration Reveal their Agendas

by Oluwatosin Alabi

In a significant move, the Tinubu administration recently appointed a cadre of young female ministers, including a member from the NYSC. These trailblazing women have now outlined their agendas, addressing a range of pressing national issues.

Youth Employment and Empowerment

Onyejeocha Nkeiruka, Minister of State for Labour and Employment, asserted her commitment, saying, “We pledged to Nigerians that we’d shift many of our youth from the streets. Now, we must act on fulfilling this government’s promises.”

National Security Enhancements

Imaan Sulaiman-Ibrahim, helming Police Affairs, declared her intent. “I’m prepared to work towards a safer, better nation. Collectively, we’ll pave the way for a brighter, prosperous future for Nigeria.”

Tackling Poverty

Dr. Betta Edu, overseeing Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, underscored a massive goal. “Our primary focus remains: elevate 133 million Nigerians out of poverty. While ambitious, with steadfast determination and will, we’ll achieve this, one step at a time. We need to confront the alarming statistic that 136 million live in extreme poverty.”

Boosting Tourism Revenue

Lola Ade-John, in charge of Tourism, highlighted the potential of her sector. “We’re emphasizing revenue generation. Our goal is for tourism to eclipse other sectors, becoming the top revenue source in both domestic and foreign currencies.”

Skill Development and Women Empowerment

Uju Kennedy-Ohanenye, at the helm of Women Affairs, shared a unique plan. “We’re launching ‘train the trainers’ across six geopolitical zones. With success in 100 days, we’ll source donations for materials, ensuring each participant further trains ten individuals.”

Elevating Arts and Culture

Hannatu Musawa, leading Arts, Culture, and Creative Economy, envisions a transformative path. “We’ll harness culture and creativity, propelling Nigeria to global prominence. My aspiration is to elevate arts, making it as influential as the oil sector.”

Revamping National Image and Investment

Dr. Doris Uzoka-Anite, responsible for Industry, Trade, and Investment, voiced a dual strategy. “Our Ministry acts as the nation’s ambassador. We’ll be enhancing our branding, projecting Nigeria’s attractive investment landscape. The world needs to see us in a light that captures our essence and potential.”

Upholding Standards in the Capital

Mariya Mairiga Mahmoud, Minister for State, FCT, shared her vision, drawing from prior successes. “I believe we can recreate the developmental strides seen in Rivers State right here in the nation’s capital.”

As these ministers chart their respective courses, the nation watches with anticipation, hoping these agendas translate into tangible improvements for Nigeria.

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